
OBJECTIVE #3:  Culture and Identity: Residents will have a strong sense of self and pride in their culture and their community. This strength-based approach to community building capitalizes on the potentials, capacities and talents of community members creating a synergy within the whole community.

  • We will honour the United Nations Declaration on Indigenous Peoples and the Principles and Calls to Action of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. 

  • We will honour, nurture and celebrate local Indigenous traditional knowledge, experience, and practices in all its activities. 

  • An Elder will be invited to guide the steering committee and the We process and its work in the community.

  • We will seek an Indigenous name through community consultation and a naming ceremony. 

  • Key community events will be organized around the four Solstices.

  • We will honour Mother Earth through adopting a green strategy in its operations (recycling, reusing, water conservation, etc.) and will lead the annual community spring clean-up.

  • We will promote an Indigenous aesthetic to all building developments and other capital improvements in the North End, such as signage. 

  • We will encourage the use of Indigenous languages and education as per the Truth and Reconciliation Calls to Action.

  • We will promote Indigenous art and artists.

  • We will develop culturally relevant promotional materials to celebrate community pride in the North End. 

  • We will work with all residents in a spirit of reconciliation and inclusion. 

  • We will work with United Way Winnipeg and the University of Winnipeg to develop an Indigenous framework for evaluating We.
