
OBJECTIVE #1:  Community Actualization:  Collective Identity and Sense of Belonging The residents of the North End believe in their community, believe in their abilities to effect change, and have much more to say. With the proper resources, We can provide a safe environment for community members to be heard and help mobilize them to act in solidarity on contentious issues and challenges and lead the community in realizing a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment.

  • We will continue to be part of North End Renewal Corporation’s 5 Year Neighbourhood Renewal Plan, created through community consultation, by encouraging residents and organizations to actively participate in implementing the plan’s objectives.

  • We will organize two community consultations per year (spring/fall) to continue to get direction from the community and to report back on progress to date. 

  • We will promote community volunteerism and work in collaboration with Volunteer coordinators and natural community helpers to develop and support: training/learning opportunities, individualized support for volunteers and the enhancement of the volunteer handbook. 

  • We will offer community programming on topics and issues of concern to residents, such as Women’s Gathering Place, Housing Circle, Men’s programing, and various other topics that arise through partnerships.

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